About me
Dr. Judy D. White started her K-12 educational career as a classified staff member assisting the principal at San Bernardino High School. She proceeded to earn her teaching credential and taught in multiple settings within the San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD). Her public school experience has included roles as a principal, assistant superintendent, and deputy superintendent within SBCUSD before being selected in 2011 as the superintendent of the Moreno Valley Unified School District (MVUSD). During her six years working with the 3,400 employees and 33,000 students at MVUSD, Dr. White increased graduation rates in Riverside County’s third largest district by 20.5% while leading the district to notable achievements and awards on a county, state, and national level. She earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Occidental College, a master’s in education from California State University, San Bernardino, and a doctorate in educational leadership from Azusa Pacific University. She is a resident of Beaumont.