Thursday January 30, 2025 1:45pm - 2:45pm PST
Leaders, teachers, and students face unique challenges every day, which is why it is so important to create a campus environment that fosters safety, connection, and well-being at all levels.  

We believe, “if you have a child’s heart, you have a child’s mind.” If teachers create a relational connection to students, or “Capture Kids’ Hearts®,” performance accelerates, and behaviors greatly improve because kids want to be in school. The same can be said of leadership and all staff who face challenges. When school culture is built on relationships that tend to overall well-being, it is proven that campuses, districts, and entire communities can be transformed.

Audience Takeaways:

Create an intentional culture through a relational approach to leadership

Learn tools for creating safety, connection, and well-being at all levels

Develop strategies for reducing classroom anxiety

Explore a communication model that lends to deeper student engagement

Provide a foundation for managing conflict

Discuss the power of reframing and gratitude

Receive key insights into the alignment of behavior to academic outcomes
avatar for Vern Hazard

Vern Hazard

Senior Vice President Solutions, Capturing Kids’ Hearts
Vern Hazard truly has a passion for life, service, and relationships. He brings over 30 years of experience in education, advertising, and coaching, with the last 20 years spent serving and empowering superintendents, boards, and upper-level cabinets with Flippen processes. Vern’s... Read More →
Thursday January 30, 2025 1:45pm - 2:45pm PST
San Carlos III (Marriott - 2nd floor) Marriott
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